Tuesday 22 May 2007

Chicken and Egg

Sooo...currently I live in a little house with a little cat called Andy. Now I really am a cat lover, I enjoy how they are so cuddly and furry, they make you feel wanted, warm and loved. It is for these reasons that me and Matthew thought that it would be a good idea to get 2 little kittens after we get married...aaahhh! The thing is that since I have been living with my snugly cat Andy it has become very apparent that they are also part of the lion family and are little predators...I have been welcomed home with a number of gifts including a bird half dead (which Andy then slaughtered all over our floor whilst I was upstairs...the bird was screaming...gross), several mice both alive and dead, a squirrel which had been split in half, yesterday I came home to a squirrel without a head and today there is a dead squirrel's tail sitting in my back room....eurgh!!!

So...anyway as you can imagine this does not bring warm snugly feelings to my bones but instead queasy, I want to be sick sorts of tendancies. Surely this isn't how cats are meant to make you feel? Well obviously I am not so keen on getting little kittens now as if the murder is bad where I live can you imagine what it will be like at Mashbury....(a picture for those who haven't been there...it is surrounded by fields and an abundance of wildlife)...

...the problem is that Matthew still wants one. I have tried to convince him that I am not sure I could cope with the bloodshed but he assures me that everything will be OK. I have even offered to have chickens instead as a comprise (lovely and practical as well) which he is considering as an options but still wants kittens. Now later on in the year I am to marry this man and many people have told me that marriage is all about giving so what do I do? I thought I should put it out to public opinion...

Kittens or Chickens?

Sunday 13 May 2007

What's your thing?

Recently I have been thinking loads about my future and what I would like to see happen in it...I know at this point some of you may say 'but you don't plan your future Chell, that's left to God', which is cool but I do think that God has given me a mind that can think about the things I love doing and I wouldn't be surprised at all if God has created a future that involves most of the things that I love. This does beg the question though...what do I love to do? What are my passions? I guess I could also ask what is my ministry? What do I care most about?

This is my little journey of thinking I have been on...
...I love being around people
...I love working with young people especially within the 16-19 age group
...I specifically love working with vulnerable young people
...Even more specific than that I love working with homeless young people and young parents/young parents to be.

I believe that God has laid this group of young people on my heart and in my life in order to attempt to (often very badly attempt to) show them the meaning of love...that is my thing! I think that most people have a 'thing' and I am constantly challenged and in awe about what people's 'things' are but also saddened that often I can be friends with someone and never know anything about their 'thing', maybe this is because we are scared to talk about what we love or are good at just in case we come across as arrogant. Well today I am putting an end to all! I have been vulnerable in telling you my thoughts so now I only have one thing left to ask...

What's your thing?